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Tuesday, August 4, 2009

New Blogs! Check them out!!

Hey guys, this is Esther, and I am posting to inform you of some new blogs Hannah and I have made:



Thanks guys! We hope you enjoy them!!


Friday, July 24, 2009

So crazy happy as well! =D

Hey everyone!!

[[[Sorry Hannah to borrow your title! I am so crazy happy though ;)]]]

Anyway, I am SO SO SO SOOO happy right now!!! I'll start at the beginning though. ;]

Well, I have been saving for a camera for a year now, and on Thursday night [July 23] I actually got one! It wasn't one of those fancy SLR ones...though I'd LOVE to have one!, but it is reallllly good. It is a compact digital camera, and the brand is Sony Cyber-Shot. It costed 300$ and I got a 45$-50$ memory card with it [4 GB] seperately. Well it is AWESOME! It takes amazing pictures, I'll post some later, and the videos are HD so they're not bad. This is what I got:


It was REALLY nice. The camera is a lot more awesome than it looks though! I already have like 200+ pictures on it and a lot of videos. ;) As you can see I LOVE IT!!!!!!! I cannot leave it alone and my friend Delia says it's like a growth on my hand now. Hahaha, well, it's my first camera, so I'm super uber-excited to not be continuously told by my mom to not play with her camera. =D

I could write forever about it but I have to go now, so I'll post more later!!!

[[[This is off topic, but thank you to everyone who reads our blog, it means so so so much to us. :)]]]

Peace & God bless!!!


Thursday, July 23, 2009

My BHP [BigHugePost] on...crushes

Okay, so all of you saw Hannah's post on crushes, right? Well here's mine. She and I decided we'd each pick a topic and each write a long post about our thoughts on it. Well, as you know, we picked crushes, as many can relate.

Crushes. You can't avoid them unless you lock yourself in your room forever away from everyone. But I know nobody is stupid enough to do that to not get crushes, because you'd waste your life.
I'm sure many of you out there have gotten a sudden warm feeling of happiness and affection for someone of the opposite gender before. If not, you will. They normally come in your preteen//teenage years. I know I've gotten that feeling. You feel all happy and content, and you're filled with mixed thoughts. You want them to know you like them, but then at the same time you don't in case they don't feel the same. You want to be more outgoing with him//her and talk to him//her but are afraid they'll think you're weird. You want to be around them more but then you feel really shy when you are. It's so hard to control!

So, just because crushes are normal, does that reason alone make it all right to fantasize about the one you admire, to think about them 24/7, to always find yourself wishing for them to notice you? In my opinion, no, I do not think that is okay. Like Hannah already said, you're TOO YOUNG for it! What can you do at 13 when you're not even old enough to date? What's the point? Yeah, I can picture some people reading this and thinking, "You obviously don't know what it's really like. I can't help it!" I hear you and I understand, but let me ask you something. What do you accomplish by liking someone you know likes you back, and you both know? Absolutely nothing! You're too young! Most likely in a few years, you'll be over them. Maybe not, but probably you will. It's just the truth. Just like you don't cover up with your baby blanket at night. You get over them, just like you grew out of your baby blanket. Or your sippy cup. You get it.

So, does this mean you shouldn't have crushes? No. You can and will. But to go so far with it is unreasonable. Maybe just be friends with the person and no more. After all, you won't be dating for like five more years. Dating is when you're ready to get married. And when you date a lot of different people when you're young, you'll have regrets later on. Some might not, but what's the point of "loving" so many people when in the end you marry only one person, and that person might be a completely different person you never knew when you were dating! See what I mean?

I know that when you have crushes, you feel warm and fuzzy and really scared they might find out. You feel like telling your friends but are afraid they won't support you or they might make fun of you. You want to let it out but you just can't. I have felt all of that. And I have learned my lesson. Crushes do crush you, whether you believe it or not. So if you have a crush right now, stop and think: This person might not even be the person I marry one day. Is it wise to go so far with this emotion?

I used to write long, stupid diary entries about a certain person. That was dumb, sinful, and stupidly wrong. I don't do that anymore. When I find myself thinking about a guy as cute, I stop myself and pray to God to take those thoughts out of my head. Each night I pray for my future husband and for me to remain pure for him one day. Imagine it this way. You are given a balloon filled with water to give your future spouse. When you think sinfully about another person, or kiss another man, or just give your purity away altogether, the balloon makes a hole in the bottom and the water leaks out. In the end when you marry, how would you, or your husband feel, when you present him with an empty balloon? You'd want to go back and start over, but you can't. I have never been through that, but we can all start working on it by honoring our future husbands by remaining pure and being kind to the guys around us now. I'm not saying flirt with them or anything, all I'm saying is be friends and treat them the same way you'd treat them if your future husband was watching you.

When I grow up and have kids, and they ask me who my first boyfriend was, I want to be able to point at their father. I want to date only one man when I grow up. My parents did that and they are so in love. That's what I want too. I don't want to have to tell my children that I had many boyfriends. That ruins marriages. It really does. Like I said before: Dating is only when you are ready to get married. It's NOT something you play with or do for fun or even to fit in.

So, where do crushes fit in? Well, when you date your future spouse, you may have a "crush" on them.

Next time you see a guy who looks really cute or nice, pray for guidance and for wisdom to do what is right. Think of your "water balloon". Do you have any holes in it yet? I'm trying to keep mine nice and full of water. Purity is a gift for your future husband. A gift.

Of course the water balloon was just an example, but hopefully you get what I mean.

I hope that I sounded positive and that I glorify God when I wrote this post. Say a prayer for your future husband, without ANYONE in mind, whoever it may be [NOBODY in particular! That's sinful!] and to remain pure for him.

One more thing. Crushes aren't bad. When you have one, though, remember your limits and don't make the same mistake Hannah and I did. You will most likely not be marrying that person, anyway! And you have a lot more to live for than trying to please some guy. =]

Well, that's about it for my BHP!

God bless,


Saturday, July 18, 2009

So. Crazy. Happy.

Hey!!!!! I have the most amazing news!!!!! I will start at the start, though! =]
OK. So, yesterday I was at the Farmer's Market for 3 hours trying to sell these Hot/Cold Rice Packs that I had sewed/quilted all by myself. I was selling them so I could make enough money to buy myself an electric guitar, because that's the thing thet I really badly wanted.

I only sold three, and the money I made had to go towards the materials that I used to make the hot packs that I sold. So now I'm even. I made no money. I was sore, and tired, and discouraged, and then Grandma came to pick me up and bring me home. [[right now you're thinking "What's she so happy about?! Sounds awful!"]] I get home, walk into my room and GASP!

There's a starcaster Fender Electric Guitar and Peavy Amp in my room!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
My dad got it for me... I feel like I don't even deserve it! I am so happy! =]
SO. Now I am PRACTISING. I can do a C and G7th chord. hehe.

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Hey Guys! (few as you may be…)

This is Hannah, just to make sure you know who you got talking to you here ;)
Essy and me have decided to do some serious posting about one serious topic. (Not that icons, bios, random silliness, and fiddling around doesn’t have it’s place, too). I’m pretty sure we have our topic picked, and I have decided to go ahead and start compiling my BHP (BigHugePost). Well, the topic we have picked is going to be about something we, as s, all generally deal with on different degrees. I seriously don’t know a who hasn’t had a crush, or liked someone. So, seeing as this is a pretty big topic, and perfect for a BHP, I shall share some of my thoughts on the subject.

Where should I start?! Well, I guess I will just jot down my thoughts about crushes/liking guys.

I only love my future husband: that is sort a good thing to remember. If you ask me who I have a crush on, or who I like, I say: my future husband. I don’t say that because I have someone who I want to be my future husband (haha! No!), I say it because I don’t know, and specifically because of that. When I see someone who I would ’like’, or when I have my eyes on someone, I just pray to god to help me give it all to him. I’m trying not to think about them, or talk about them too much, or write in my journal about what they are like. That is just too immature//silly I think. It is a waste of time, as far as I’m concerned. Your days could be spent in so many better ways than dreaming about someone. I don’t want that for me! I want so much for my relationship with guys to be totally and god-centered… and I have messed up on that before. I am praying for my future husband (and not praying for any specific person either…) and I feel like when I tell those silly ’crush//cute’ words to get out of my head I can act more normal and have a better relationship with the guys I know. I feel so guilty and dirty when the words pop into my head “he is so cute!”, because (I know it sounds awful), they do. I just can’t help it. So when that happens I just say to myself “God, I don’t want to live like that anymore. Please take all those stupid thoughts from my mind! I want my relationship with all guys to be pure, so please help me to not think silly thoughts”.

So, I have a new idea for myself. I am going to say I don’t have a crush on anyone. I respect certain people, because they trust in God, and are centered on him. When I see a young guy who is , and has given his life to god completely, I look at him and think “I respect him”. I don’t respect him because I think he has a cute face, I respect him just as I would respect any friend of mine, because he is doing what god would want him to do. I really don’t like the connotations of the word ’crush’. It just really doesn’t appeal to me. I’m not saying you’re like me, or that you should be doing this, or anything. If you are interested in someone, or are tempted to think too much about them, try to impress them, or act out around them: I would say pray for him, and pray for your future husband, and try to remember that if god wants you two to be together, he will orchestrate it sometime. Pray that you will act rightly in gods eyes, that you will not come across as flirtatious or annoying. Don’t pray that your crush will like you! Don’t pray that you will marry him some day, because, face it, you know you have done that before. I have done it, I confess, and I am not going to do it anymore. I know it’s awful easy for me to say that, but I know it is so true. And you will thank god that you prayed when you were young, gave it all to him while you were young, because it really pays off. I know it pays off just by observing other people’s lives, and I know that I want to be PURE when I am young so I can be BLAMELESS when I am older. When you’re older you don’t want to think back on your childhood and think “I did that so wrong, why did I have to be so immature?” You want to be able to look back and be satisfied that you did the right thing. My biggest motto is: I am loyal and faithful to my future husband, and no other. Think of your life now as if you are already engaged to your husband, and be loyal and faithful to him as if he was really there. If you’re engaged you don’t want to go around talking about other men you like, that is really disrespectful to your fiancĂ©. When you’re tempted to think about guys, remember: “Would my husband want me to do that?”, and if he wouldn’t: do not do it! It doesn’t matter that you’re not engaged, or married, it’s still wrong to be immature when you are young.

Maybe you think it’s nice to have a boyfriend, because everyone else has one and you can’t see anything wrong in it. But I gotta say, you are going to get hurt. It’s inevitable, and you will regret it all.
It’s just so un-worth it: that’s not the type of love I want at all! I don’t want a boyfriend when I am my age, that’s awful. It’s not a real relationship, you’re not serious at all. You may think you love him more than anyone in the world, you may think that your relationship will last the ten years it has got to stand through before you can get married. It is so unlikely that it will. Is he really serious about you? Why does he like you anyway? And why do you like him? Why would anyone want to be half-loved? What I mean is: how often are two young people serious about their relationships? I wonder how often they actually have intentions of marriage, or if they just like each other because it’s something to do, and it’s fun so you want to do it. Don’t try to make yourself believe he will only ever like you, that he loves you and you love him, when you are both only 13 years old and have known each other for a few months. It’s better just to have lots of friends, instead of boyfriends//crushes. It’s easier to keep yourself on the right track that way. If you are going to be tempted around guys to be immature/flirtatious, just try not to get too close to them.
Remember: “I am too young for this right now!”.

In our society, which is so messed up, even 9 year olds have friends and boyfriends. So called friends and boyfriends.

She says that crushes are normal, that the only thing that’s bad about them is when you are going around blabbing to your friends about that ‘cute guy’ and stuff. Or if you’re flirty, or if that’s all you ever think about, you know? Maybe what your parents really mean is being silly about crushes, talking about them, and dwelling on them, daydreaming and whatnot is bad (not the actually crush itself?). Because nobody can stop you from having a crush, everyone knows that, and I’m sure your parents know that. There no way to cut off that emotion, it’s just a part of you. The thing you can do is pray about it, and not talk too openly about it. Don’t feel guilty if you know god would be happy with what you’re doing. If it doesn’t feel sinful to you, or if you’re convicted for yourself that god wouldn’t be disappointed with you, chances are you’re doing ok. If you grow up thinking that when you have a crush is bad, you’re going to think you’re an evil person for something you cannot control. If you could never have crushes, how do people get married? Is that sinful too? No! These are some questions people would ask when they don’t understand that having a crush isn’t bad in itself, but letting your emotions get the better of you IS.

I don’t think it is a wise idea, either, for that matter, to talk to someone you seriously have a crush on over MSN//email//chatboxes//blogs//websites//forums//message boards//ETC., because, seriously: this is how relationships totally FALL APART. I can’t name anything worse! When you talk to your crush over the internet it is WAY EASIER to say bad things because it’s not as embarrassing when you can’t see him! But then when you DO see him again in real life it is so EMBARRESSING that I would almost faint!!! That was how someone found out I liked him, over the INTERNET. So I don’t even talk to guys ANYMORE on MSN… it’s an awful thing. Just a warning. I was really messing up a few months ago, I was talking to a few guys over the internet, when I really shouldn’t have. I was really wrong to do it, and now I look back and think to myself “What could I have been THINKING!?” because I seemed so stupid to even consider internet relationships. It was nothing serious, just a silly crush, but it was sinful, and I deeply regret it. There is no POINT. I am never ever going to do that again, I pretty much stay away from all guys over the internet, because it is so easy to get into trouble that way. I should have listened to my Mum, she told me that I should stay away from guys’ blogs. I didn’t, and that’s the whole reason the silly thing started. I was pretty hurt after that, so do yourself a favour and forget about guys over the internet, 99.9% of the time, they’re NOT WORTH IT. Like in this song, which Essy already mentioned, Bowling Ball, by superchic[k].

Maybe he'll change
Maybe things'll get better
Maybe it would be nice
If he wouldn't always put you down
Maybe things'll work out
But maybe they'll never..
And I think you've given him
The benefit of the doubt

You need that boy like a bowling ball
Dropped on your head
Which means not at all
You have too much to give, to live
To waste your time on him (twice)

Maybe he'll change
If you could be better
But maybe it's not your fault
He's checkin out the waitress now..
But someday you'll change
One day you're stronger
And you will have changed enough
And it's time to get out.

You need that boy like a bowling ball
Dropped on your head
Which means not at all
You have too much to give, to live
To waste your time on him (twice)

You have too much to give, to live,
To waste your time on him.

You need that boy like a bowling ball
Dropped on your head
Which means not at all
You have too much to give, to live
To waste your time on him (twice)

You have to much to give, to live,
To waste your time on him.

A few months ago I had the hugest crush I had ever had, ALSO a big mistake which I won’t ever repeat. I was just learning, and now that I KNOW, I am never going to get that interested in a guy again. (unless I get married to him, of course!!!). But he had to move, and when he did, I realized how much of a pedestal I had been putting him on. He wasn’t actually that nice. I tried to turn a blind eye to all his weaknesses and faults, and pretend he would be all fine once he was older. I almost worshipped him, I was so excited that he was around. I sacrificed so much for him, and it was so wrong of me. I was sacrificing my opinions, and lifestyle, because I wanted to be like him. And I knew I shouldn’t have: but I actually imagined he had a crush on me too. I wrote long stupid journal entries about him, about how perfect and awesome he was, and how much I was sure he must like me. I prayed for him and about him all the time, and I was, in a word, pretty selfish. Please understand that was what I used to be like, but since then I have changed my outlook on guys, and I’m not going to fall into the crush trap. Crushes crush you.


The Fray, TFK,

Hey Guys,

[[this is Hannah]]

I’m just posting to reassure you that I have not stopped posting. (haha!). I am writing up a nice long post for you guys: so, please, if you do happen to come across our blog, remember to do us a favour and come back.
And give us a shout on our chatbox or comment, so we can follow you! Etc…
Oh yes, one of the main reasons I started typing this all out was because I just discovered a new band!!
(yes, Essy, I know you’ll love it too!)
One of the things that gives me the most joy is DISCOVERING a new band! This one is actually pretty new too, their name is The Fray. (And yes, I’m sure you’ve heard of them, I had too, just never checked out their music or anything). They are a Denver based band which was formed in 2002, consisting of four schoolmates. (lead vocals/piano, guitar, guitar/vocals, drums). They produced their first album, which went up to the top 10 (or maybe even 5, I think) charts in Canada, USA, The UK, and Ireland. Their second album produced the same affect. As did their third. Their third album, which is entitled The Fray, has their first single: You Found Me. Their genre, piano-rock, is foreign to me. It’s the only band I have ever heard of in that genre, and also the first thing I have ever heard of that genre at all. But now that I know of it, I am thinking that Coldplay could also be categorized as piano-rock, as many of their songs are based on piano. I love the mildness of piano rock, the sentimentality and smoothness. I like the emphasis on the lyrics rather than the instruments, because, for some reason, piano-rock seems to focus on heartfelt lyrics more than instrumentation. But don’t get me wrong, it also has long stretches of instrumental pieces which (I think) can be a bit too much if they are too monotonous and repetitive. But if the song is balanced in the right way, I think both parts of the song (lyrics, instrumentation) can add a wonderful effect. As if, I suppose, you have to wait in anticipation for the “rest of the song”, which is often the case with coldplay, as I recognize a pattern they often use. The first half of the song, is either lyrics or instrumentation, often lyrics, then a long adjoining stretch of instrumentation (piano, guitar, and, just recently: cello, violin, and drums) and then the last stretch which is often completely different from the first in rhythm, lyrics, style, and instrumentation. I don’t want to bore you with my theories, but you must excuse me, as I adore coldplay: I have all of their albums, and one of their three EPs (*wink*). But anyway, it’s perfect for me, as I am partial to piano music, especially rock music which incorporates piano in a contemporary fashion (like coldplay). These Fray guys, they sure perfect that art of contemporary rock piano. They are mild, but classic, but classic in a unique way; alternative, for sure, but mostly rock. Excuse me,: piano-rock, hehe.
Well anyway, The Fray are Christians, but they do not have a Christian band. The lead singer says he used to only write strictly Christian themed songs, but then realised that only Christians can sympathize with Christian music, and that other people will shy away from it. The analogy he used was: If I give someone a mocha latte and say “God bless, and Jesus loves you” they are most likely to dump it back on my face. So the band is out there to get into the mainstream, secular, if you will, pop/rock scene. And I completely respect that. So anyway, I have fell in love with the song (their first single, as I said) You Found Me. LISTEN TO IT! Here’s a link:
I bought it on my iTunes after listening to half of the song on Youtube, that’s how much I liked it ;) And I got the sheet music!!

WOW. This did not end up being very short, like I had expected, do it? Well, I hope you were benefited in some way by my ramblings, although I deeply doubt it.



You Found Me lyrics
Songwriters: King, Joseph; Slade, Isaac;
I found God on the corner of 1st and Amistad
Where the West was all but won
All alone, smoking his last cigarette
I said, "Where you been?" He said, "Ask anything"

Where were you when everything was falling apart?
All my days were spent by the telephone that never rang
And all I needed was a call that never came
To the corner of 1st and Amistad

Lost and insecure, you found me, you found me
Lying on the floor surrounded, surrounded
Why'd you have to wait? Where were you? Where were you?
Just a little late, you found me, you found me

But in the end everyone ends up alone
Losing her, the only one who's ever known
Who I am, who I'm not and who I wanna be
No way to know how long she will be next to me

Lost and insecure, you found me, you found me
Lying on the floor surrounded, surrounded
Why'd you have to wait? Where were you? Where were you?
Just a little late, you found me, you found me!

The early morning, the city breaks
And I've been calling for years and years and years and years
And you never left me no messages
You never sent me no letters
You got some kind of nerve taking all I want!

Lost and insecure, you found me, you found me
Lying on the floor, where were you? Where were you?

Lost and insecure, you found me, you found me
Lying on the floor surrounded, surrounded
Why'd you have to wait? Where were you? Where were you?
Just a little late, you found me, you found me!

Why'd you have to wait to find me, to find me?

Friday, July 10, 2009

Oh. My. Goodness.

You guys should SERIOUSLY check out this YouTube channel: www.youtube.com/user/theheartrender. She is the best piano player I have seen in my life. I was just searching some Tenth Avenue North songs and then a video of her playing "By Your Side" was on "related videos" and I clicked it. She is AMAZING. I wish I could play like that!!!

Speaking of Tenth Avenue North, they are now one of my favourite bands. My favourite songs from them are:

Hold My Heart
By Your Side
Love Is Here
Lift Us Up to Fall

and pretty much all of them. But those are my top picks =D You should check them out if you haven't already!!! www.tenthavenuenorth.com

I am just so captivated by theheartrender's piano playing. :S I am in level 6 (or grade 6) piano, it's really hard, and I can't play as good as her!! I can try and record myself playing Fur Elise...but I make mistakes every now and then. :S

Anyway...Here's some new favourite songs of mine (Song - Artist):

Hold My Heart - Tenth Avenue North
Lift Us Up To Fall - Tenth Avenue North
Ancient History - Hawk Nelson
Shine Like The Stars - Stellar Kart
Let It Go - Tenth Avenue North
The Best Thing - Relient K
Hey Jude - The Beatles
Whispers In The Dark - Skillet
You Found Me - The Fray
Absolute - Thousand Foot Krutch
Breathe - Rebecca St. James
In Better Hands - Natalie Grant
October - U2

and most likely more...But I have to thank Hannah for the ones by The Fray, Thousand Foot Krutch and U2. She told me about them!! THANKS HANNAH! ILY!

I gotta go now.



Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Icon Photoshop Tutorial

Hey guys! This is going to be especially for Essy, but you can all read it too for sure!!

[above] first get the photo you want icon-ized in your editor

[above] Now crop your picture in a SQUARE shape (you might have to go into the crop options and click - ASPECT RATIO - NON-RESTRICTED). Try to get as much as the picture as possible without going out of the pictures limits. It doesnt have to be PERFECTLY square, but try to get it good. Make sure you crop the part of the picture you want in your icon!

[above] Now go to the top of your photoshop, by FILE, EDIT, and then IMAGE. click IMAGE.
Then click RESIZE, then click IMAGE SIZE.

[above] Make sure you have the box RESAMPLE IMAGE checked, and the box CONSTRAIN PROPORTIANS unchecked. (the exact opposite of my dumb picture...lol...).

[above] Make the Width: 100 PIXELS and the Height: 100 PIXELS. This is the standard avatar size. Click OK!

[above] now all you have to do is zoom in! And then add TEXT, EFFECTS, COLOR, etc.!



[NOTE: When you save your image make sure you are saving it in JPEG file format, not photoshop file format. Just click the drop down box and find the JPEG file, and select that. When you save it this way a pop-up with appear after you click save, titled JPEG options which will ask you how much quality you want on your picture. Drag the bar to the maximum quaility and save. Max quality is the best! A good tip is to always save your picture with a filename that starts with 1, then it will be easier to find when you are looking through your documents for it =]

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

More of ze icons I make!

Hey. This is [[once again]], Hannah. This is going to be short... but once I know what I am going to be posting about [[erm. Essy, please answer my email!]] I shall post such long boring posts that thou shalt not be short of reading material for a very long time. (That was supposed to be sarcastic... the boring part I mean). I have mostly been doing only one thing all day: practise piano. I am trying to finish The Moonlight Sonata by Beethoven, and it's slow going. It's 8 pages long, and that fact combined with the fact that I [[frankly]] suck at piano, is making it very difficult to learn. I have 2 more pages to go, and I am happy that I have gotten over the hardest part [[the crazy part where you're doing arpeggios up and down the keyboard really fast]]. Anyway, I made a whole bunch of icons and posted them to iconator, some of them have been downloaded 8 times in the last day, so that's awesome for me.


[[what iz going on here? they will not upload... thiz eez very bad. erm. I think I shall try and fix this. Don't be surprized if you do not zee any icons right now...or ever...]]

OH YEAH! it's working now!

I made it ALL

My little sister with added/photoshopped eyelashes....lol

MADE IT all on photoshop. Love it a LOT. <3

same little sister with REAL eyelashes lol

My ipod (bel0w)

a picture I took, 'shopped.

A picture I also took, 'shopped.

A picture that I took of Chris Martin (YEAH I actually saw him! Naw. It's on my ipod...)

I made it because I get annoyed when ppl are always talking about how random they are.

made it on adobe photoshop.

MY FAVE ONE. I made it ALL.

I drew it, took a pic of it, 'shopped it.

Took a pic, and messed around with the hues and added the text ;)

from the song: Whispers In The Dark by Skillet

I made it all on the shop

From the song: Whispers In The Dark by Skillet

My own fingers =]

From the song: WHISPERS IN THE DARK BY SKILLEt {YEAh. its like my FAVE song now! <3}>

totally made it all on photoshop!

Hope you like 'em, comment, love:

Sorry we haven't posted for a couple of days! I (Esther) have been sooo busy reading and reading and reading! Hahaha. As you can see, I am a bookworm. I finished Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone and Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets this weekend. I have already read them, but a long time ago before my parents decided to not let me read them. But don't worry, I have my parents' permission, they know I do not believe magic exists, and as long as I believe it's just FANTASY, then I'm allowed. I am rereading all the books in order, and now I am on Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban. It's really good. I like the way the books are written. As long as you bear in mind that the books are pretend, I see no harm in reading them.

Anyway, I got my July issue of SUSIE mag yesterday, on June 29, 2009. I love the magazine! You can subscribe at www.susiemag.com, if you haven't already. ;)

I am replying to an email Hannah sent me, by the way. We've been sending each other LONG emails lately concerning a subject she and I can relate to surprisingly well. It's so amazing that she and I always have done something or been through something ALMOST EXACTLY THE SAME WAY! It's awesome, that way I can talk through my emails to someone who understands and can relate to! Love you, Hannah! I'm almost done with the email. :)

I have a busy day today...I have a swimming lesson, and a piano lesson. Well, the piano lesson was rescheduled for tomorrow, but it'll still be busy today. I hope Hannah can get on and blog these days, because I don't think I can be on that often this month! I have a LOT of plans this month, since it's summer and all, and tomorrow is Canada day here, so Happy Canada Day in advance to anyone who lives in Canada [including me, hehe]! I might not get on tomorrow, so I said it early just in case.

I don't have much time to write a long post right now, unfortunately. So I'll do my best to get on another time!

Peace, and God bless!-
